
2012年11月8日 in 原产地证代理
integrates internal pricing resources among Southern China, Eastern China, Northern China and South-western China and provides best logistic solution to meet clients` request on efficiency, space protection, clearance, competitive rates, more choices, fast safe handling and etc.
K&J has developed a professional, skilled and high-educated team and provided best services to customers with its research in freight forwarding field and most efficient freight management system. The company has used EDI system to connect airlines system, port terminal system and customs system, which can update cargo status to customers in time.
K&J has been improving core competitive power of key products and comprehensive competitive power of optimizing logistic chain in order to reduce enterprise running costs and contribute value-added services to customers. We ensure to achieve win-win market strategy for customers between service and profit element and win customers` loyalty with its good faith.
主要航线的主要卸货港的不定期散杂船. 1.东南亚(海防、胡志明、新加坡、曼谷、巴生、槟城、雅加达、泗水、吉大港等)    2.波斯湾(卡拉奇、达曼、迪拜、阿巴斯、科威特、马斯科特、多哈等)    3.红海(荷台达、吉达、吉布提、苏丹港、阿卡巴、穆哈等)    4.地中海(亚历山大、阿尔及尔、斯基克达.奥兰、突尼斯、热那亚、 伊斯坦布尔等)    5.西北欧(鹿特丹、汉堡、安特威普、利物普等)  
