海运国际货代:DOWN ocean-freight, air-freight
2021年8月29日 in 海运国际货代
一、北京.天津 淮北—宿州—合肥(安徽各地)
宿州中转库 砀山—灵璧—萧县—泗洪—阜阳—亳州(安徽北部)
合肥中转库 蚌埠—淮南—六安—安庆—滁州—芜湖—黄山—马鞍山—宣城(安徽南部)
二、北京.天津 徐州—淮安—扬州—无锡(江苏东部.北部)
徐州中转库 连云港—新沂—宿迁—枣庄—微山—济宁(江苏北部山东南部)
无锡中转库 江阴—南通—常熟—张家港—昆山—苏州—宜兴—常州—泰州—海安—淮安—盐城 —上海(江苏东部南部)
三、北京.天津 南京(江苏各地)
南京中转库 溧水—高淳—六合—丹阳—扬州—镇江(南京周边地区)
The purpose of our service is to provide a one-stop logistical solution in bringing a secure, speedy and valuable service to our special goods (recycled products, plastics scrap , metal scrap , waste paper) clients.
Whatever your requirements, ocean-freight, air-freight, road transportation, customs clearance, exhibition forwarding or warehousing & distribution, Bilink Shipping Corp. is committed to ensure a smooth transit regardless of size, to any destination in the world to be fulfilled with great success.
We can handle shipments to all the corners of the earth. Besides having branch offices at various locations working in tandem, we also have a network of long term, trustworthy partner-agents around the world working together to bring client satisfaction with every move.